Statutory Declaration Witnessed
£50.00 inc vat
If you’ve made a claim and the tenants have failed to respond within the 14 day time frame, you can claim back any part of the deposit you believe you’re entitled to. We will get the form witnessed by a solicitor for you.
If you’ve made a claim and the tenants have failed to respond within the 14 day time frame, you can claim back any part of the deposit you believe you’re entitled to. We will get the form witnessed by a solicitor for you.
If you’ve made a claim and the tenants have failed to respond within the 14 day time frame, you can claim back any part of the deposit you believe you’re entitled to. You can do this by filling in a Statutory Declaration form.
The form will have to be witnessed by a solicitor, commissioner for oaths or a magistrate, and the tenant(s) will have 14 days to respond.
We’ll organise for the form to be witnessed by a solicitor on your behalf and submit to the DPS.
PLEASE NOTE: Your deposit must have been lodged through us to be able to use this service.